Home > Members > Laurie

Name: Laurie "the mothership" Entringer
Measurements: RPB "Rotations per beer"
Ambitions: Getting my shit in on time
Turn-ons: Abs
Turn-offs: Summer sweaters
Strange but True: Recently on a bike ride, my friend Dave hyper-extended his colon. Also, if you make a circle of popcorn on the ground, 9 out of 10 people will not step in it.
My Philosophy on Life: 1) Don't admit to anything. 2) It is better to apologize later, than to ask for permission.
I'm Most like this Cartoon Character: Betty, not Veronica
Our Favorite Warrior Princess: Xena
RAGBRAI Team I Wouldn't Want to be on: Team Olean (WOW! I've soiled my seat!)
What I Really Want for Christmas: Abs -- no more (summer) sweaters!
Movie Quote that Defines My Life: "Isn't fun . . . the best thing to have!" Arthur
If I had a Million Dollars: I'd have more friends
Worst RAGBRAI Song: Need I even say---that damn strokin, song!
Bitch Rating: 23% bitch