Home > Fun Poop > Fat Tire (page 1)
TeaMartini was initially scared when they thought the ghost of Rick had appeared for the ride. Later they realized that he hadn't seen sun most of the summer. It's morning and most of the riders have taken off. Why is Harlow thinking about getting one more round?
Rick lugs his whole stereo up for the ride. Another rider comments that she remembers him from last year and that he always finishes later than everyone else. Rick wasn't on the ride last year. If Steve doesn't bring a swirley item he'll just find one laying around.
The first bar greeted us with sun and snooty beer served in a plastic cup Damian finds a new way to enjoy his EAS hat that Steve brought for almost everyone on the team
Those damn plastic cups are just no good for holding beer. Hairy, Surly and The Mo