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The Lexicon of Teamartini

  • acorn count- the amount of times you can see the full outline of the head of someone's penis through their biking shorts
  • bits and pieces - your genitalia
  • boob count - the amount of times you see someone's breast(s). this does not apply if you are a woman taking a shower in a public shower
  • boodaloo - when you leave your inky-blinky light on and attached to your ass
  • city girl - an urbanite on RAGBRAI that refuses to use a kybo or cornfield and who primps before going out in the morning
  • cocksucker/cocksucking - noun/adjective that is used on a daily (or hourly) basis that descibes something that pisses you off
  • dick count - the amount of times you see someone's penis. this does not apply if you are a man taking a shower in a public shower
  • divorcycle - a tandam being ridden by a married couple. it will ultimately lead to them to finding legal representation
  • dual citizenship - rider who splits membership between two teams
  • hook-up - the person who gives you a ride back to your hometown who may or may not be your significant other
  • kiddy looper - rider who only does part of the ride
  • LT - local talent (the youths of the town that would be fun to "play" with)
  • meow meow - can be used to describe any body part, usually reserved for your privates
  • muzzlebuzzed - how a pleasantly buzzed person hears the phrase "pleasantly buzzed"
  • nerd alert - when a cyclist is spotted still wearing their helmet and they are no longer on their bicycle
  • Newtini - a rookie member of Teamartini
  • noodaloo - replaced "nerd alert" (thanks to someone saying it too close to the mouthpiece of their TalkAbout)
  • PH-shop - to modify a picture with Photoshop (usually for humorous reasons or the placation of a supermodel's ego)
  • (to go) pie - defecating
  • poop - the call to team members
  • RAGbellishment - it's how the hills get steeper and longer or the parties get wilder when you recount the story to others
  • RAGouge - how a 25 cent ear of corn turns into a $3 ear of corn
  • RAGPAI - Registers Annual Greater Poop Across Iowa
  • shout...listen - buying a round...wanting a drink in that round
  • slim goody - someone you are attacted to and/or having sex with
  • smokey treat - cigarette
  • snorechestra - the almost symphonic sound that is created in camp after many people have fallen into a very deep sleep
  • swirly item - a totally useless item that gets in everybody's way and just swirls around in the trailer (each team member now brings one)
  • talker - someone who says they're going on RAGBRAI in March but ends up on their couch watching reruns of Walker Texas Ranger during the last week of July
  • Wesnapping - the abducting of Wes from whitey's oppression and getting him on RAGBRAI
  • whitey - the suppressor. the one who makes life less fun by enforcing bullshit rules
  • writing poetry - staring off into space and totally ignoring the conversation around you