Fun Quotes

21st Century bits of Wisdom
"Jesus likes pie. Probably" sign along the road
- "The day a Martini arrests me is the day I turn into a Christian." Team Bad Boy
- "I got some hummers here." Lisa Flanagan (one of the owners of Hamilton's Pub on why she wouldn't put on the Martini shirt we gave her)
- Exchange on the pre-ride
- "Hey watcha doin' later tonight?" Brad Daggett of Mystery Machine
- "I'm fifteen and I'm grounded." young unavailable girl
- "I wanna go with you. Take me with you." younger girl "No! Stay home! There are a lot of freaks out there!" older girl
- "I am now 57% gay." Rick (after seeing a woman flash who should not be flashing...ever)
- Conversation at the Goose Lake Tap:
- "That bag of chips is just salt." Barb
- "I'll eat it." Steve
- "What won't Steve eat?" Rick
- "Me." Heidi
- "I went to my first dildo party last weekend. Some of those things are scary." Shea
- "There will be no drinking shots out of my crotch tonight." T (as opposed to the night prior inaugural Chickenman Ride)
- Would've loved to have had the chance to hang out with the 2003 version of Martini. I like to think of it as Teamartiny!" Heather Myer (Team Mystery Machine) after learning that our team was only Laurie and Rick
- "I was going to give you a hand but it looks like you have a two-hand unit." Ray (after trying to help Rick move his bike out of the van)
- "Thirty miles to the first bar...that's bullshit!" Unknown rider on Sunday morning (2001 route out of Sioux City)
- "That's not a beer gut, that's my liver." Sandy
- "Would anybody like my open bush?" Krystal (Team Die Hard driver)
- "How do you spell 'Ho'?" Michelle
- "Ninety-two miles my ass!" Merilee (Team Die Hard)
- "Come and pose with us or we'll make you pour out your beers" Williamsburg police officer
- "Welcome to RAGBRAI, the fastest way to end a relationship" Rick "Or start a new one." Heidi
Oldies, but Goodies from the 20th Century
- "With all my broken spokes, I had to get a rim job to the tune of around $50." Chris
- "According to my elevation chart this hill does not exist." Rick
- "You know I sleep commando." Bryan (after Davis from Die Hard told him that she needed to crash in his tent)
- "I would rather take it up the butt than take Calculus." April Smith (Team Pink Floyd) after finding out that Rick was a Calculus teacher
- "Memo to self: Sell bike." Chris Byers (one day rider with us)
- "I don't have a butthole." Steve
- "Suck it, don't squeeze it." Laurie
- "Rick, will you put that Tylenol in your purse." Dave Davis (friend of the team)
- "Have you ever had to pee in a Folders can?" Person camping next to us
- "Do you see how duct tape could have saved Rome." Laurie
- "Want wet?" Some 'neck kid with a hose
- "There was meat between Heidi's breasts." Rick
- "Steve and Heidi were in their cocksucking mode." Laurie
- "I want something salty and greasy." Steve "Heidi's right over there." Laurie
- "Thank you for visiting Sodom & Gomorrah." Bryan
- "I specifically left a 2 pm wake up call." Bryan
- "The blowjob at the bar was the final straw." Aaron Comer (Team Diehard)
- "So how did you do to train for RAGBRAI?" Craig (Team B.A.R.T.) "I switched to regular Budweiser." Bryan
- "I shot that goddam thing myself" Todd (speaking of the buffalo in the buffalo burgers)
- "Linda ate an omlette the size of a cat." Damian
- "Linda, why aren't you fat?" Steve
- "Fuck whitey!" Our entire team