Day 7
- Continental breakfast is wonderful way to start last day
- Finally get to ride and we're going to do the whole day as a team
- "More Martini's on the Road" is another solid hit
- We make it to West Branch really fast...almost too fast...where's the fucking headwind today?
- 9:52 a.m. = drinking...4 pitchers worth (See picture)
- Better get some dimes on the jukebox on or we'll have to listen to the Stones all morning (See picture)
- Who else is there having a liquid breakfast? Marsha Traeger , the rest of the NADs, Scott and Shawn (See picture)
- Thanks for the River Ratt shirt
- Only 12 more miles for City Girl
- Baby Drowsy finds her roots at the doll museum (See picture)
- Into West Liberty too quick
- Hey, they have Maid Rites we should get some of them...just another time we say we're going to eat and forget to do so while we drink
- Keeping the memory of the Hanson Brothers alive (See picture)
- Hook-up shows up and takes City Girl from our cult
- Maybe she's finally coming around to outdoor activity (See picture)
- And there's the guy she slept with (See picture)
- Nobody's leaving...we're going to Dos Amigos
- Heidi can salsa polka (See picture)
- Meet new Hispanic friends and they join us in an afternoon of beer (See picture)
- When will Dave have enough footage? (See picture)
- City Girl has to go and it's a tearful goodbye...there's no crying on RAGBRAI
- You know a group hug outside would make her cry more
- Back on the bikes and we really need food
- Atalissa has a Mexican restaurant...good food and Dos Equis (See picture)
- We avoid Moscow and that keeps me from totally converting to communism
- Chickenman has beer in bags...I'll use my water bottle...over and over again
- This guy may have had two many bags...both kind (See picture)
- A nice afternoon with the whole chicken clan (See picture)
- Last time to party with Kayla and Ryan...our adolescents of choice (See picture)
- Only one mile to the River Ratt party
- Steve's finally run out of cash (See picture)
- Talk-a-bouts help Dave and Babs find us
- Ride to the river
- Nestea plunge by Steve, Heidi and Scott into the Mississippi...that'll smell nice (See picture)
- Many beers consumed before we say goodbye to all our new and old friends (See picture)
- 100 miles to Dubuque and one tape...70's AM Gold...thank God I'm totally drunk
- A little nap on the Entringer floor is needed
- Thanks for the massage
- Meat cake, meat cake, meat cake
- Make annual pilgrimage to West Dubuque Tap...didn't stay as long as usual
- Why doesn't Chris get his own show on Comedy Central? (See picture)
- Why does Steve pimp on Harley ? (See picture)
- Why can't Dave stay awake in any bar we go to? (See picture)
- It's over and we're spent...but I'd take one more day