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Day 4 - Wednesday
  • Rick and Laure are up early and go have a nice breakfast next door
  • Chris leave the team for whitey
  • By the time the rest of the team is ready for breakfast Rick and Laurie are ready to roll - we'll meet up at the next town
  • We go 10 miles and everyone else goes 51 - sucks to be one of those groups
  • Rick and Laurie are the first ones in the whole town that want beer
  • The bar on one side of the street is already playing shitty music - we'll go into this one instead
  • The bartender says that their DJ is different - time will tell
  • Plays rather standard DJ shit but does play one of the tracks from our CD
  • Eventually the rest of our team shows up
  • We're a six-pack deep (each) by the time other partiers arrive
  • We don't use no stinkin' tickets
  • Run into Bike Iowa Scott and we have a house
  • Buzzed by the time we reach Lake Mills
  • Dave has been there for a while
  • Girls from San Diego look older than they really are
  • Banks in Lake Mills don't have open bathrooms but they will direct you to nice ones at the Senior Center
  • Rick heads off and rides into Northwood with guys from Vinton who know Chickenman
  • He parks his bike with stereo blaring at entrance to town
  • Get some local cuties to watch the bike while he goes back into town for beer
  • While waiting Johnny Law comes up to Rick and his beer - they don't care about the booze they just want to see how the stereo works
  • Rest of team arrives and we head back into town for more beers
  • Time to knock back a few with Chickenman and the former mayor of the town
  • We're staying at a farmstead outside of town and it's getting dark
  • No bike lights so Rick and Mike head out to find the farm
  • After realizing that we're biking to nowhere we turn around and run into the Barfly bus - that's who we're staying with
  • No one is at the house but we can still drink
  • The hosts arrive and wonder where we were - they don't know what kind of riders we are
  • The rest of the team arrives and Steve has a nice gash - not his best ride
  • Dave arrives and we set up camp
  • Go into the shower line early for hot water
  • Dave plays doctor and we decide to go to the hospital the next day
  • It's whiskey night - Dave + Barfly girl = one-fifth
  • Steve is wearing his jail pants which somehow he now possesses
  • A late night drinking around the camp fire ends in the wee hours of the morning
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