TeaMartini Tunes
The Charm
- Leg to Hump - Family Guy
- Baby I am Drunk - Reverand Horton Heat
- I Want a Beer - All in the Family
- Naked Women and Beer - Hank Williams Jr.
- Solution and Cause - Homer Simpson
- The Slow Descent Into Alcoholism - New Pornographers
- I Know What Boys Like - The Waitresses
- Whiny Little Runt - Family Guy
- Dirty White Boy - Foreigner
- Lifestyles Of The Rich and Famous - Good Charlotte
- Symbols of Republican Party - Family Guy
- You Can Kill the Protester but You Can't Kill the People - Anti-Flag
- Head First, Feet First - Telegraph
- From Out of Nowhere - Faith No More
Heineken & PBR - Frank Booth
Favorite Bar - The Leaving Trains
Sesame Street Phone - Family Guy
I Love Trash - Oscar the Grouch
Steve Is Here - Dramarama
Perpetually - Samantha Jones
Gary & Melissa - King Missile
That Sort of Thing - Robin
Don't Marry Her - The Beautiful South
Little Bones - The Tragically Hip
You Like Jimi Hendrix - Marge Simpson
Are You Experienced? - Jimi Hendrix
Weed With Willie - Toby Keith
BBQ Your Asses - Buford T. Justice
East Bound And Down - Jerry Reed
Uncontrollable Urge - Devo
Dreamline - Rush
I Don't Like White People - Reggie Hammond
Had A Dad - Jane's Addiction
Siva - Smashing Pumpkins
Fucking Bitch - Miranda Hobbes
Cold Hard Bitch - Jet
Is it All Over? - Rocky and Bullwinkle
Lyrics: html format or Word document
Commentary on the song selections
- What won't a cartoon dog say that doesn't hold a bit of truth?
- The Reverand once again gets honors as lead off song and he may be foreshadowing this year's team theme
- Even Archie Bunker can be right every now and then
- If any song sums up a small town bar with a hose in the back or tarps on the floor, it would be this one
- Of all of the pearls of wisdom dispensed by Homer over the last decade-plus, this one could be the slogan for RAGBRAI
- Another solid Laurie selection and it characterizes most of the people we ride with
- Who doesn't? From the honorees in the title of track #4 to the crowd at Roscoe's on North Halsted
- Smart mouth talking dogs make me laugh
- One of the last songs that Lou Graham sang that didn't engulf itself in wussiness
- Even pop-punk bands know that whitey needs to be fucked
- If you have one ounce of insight you will not vote for Bush
- Real punk bands have always known that whitey needs to be fucked
- A fun little song from a relatively unknown Skacore band
- Listening to this FNM song makes you want to bike very fast
- A little Blue Velvet can be nice
- A fun quick hit from an old SST punk band
- Take that CTW
- Barb demanded this song be on the disc or she wasn't driving us around
- We are so happy to have him back after a 3 year hiatis
- Women could take control with her bit of advice
- Dedicated to our friends on Die Hard
- Robin not being preoccupied by girls? That's odd
- It was just too sweet of a song not to have on our CD. Listen to it with your Mom
- They are hip and the tragedy is that they never tour close to my home
- Who doesn't?
- For our Seattle-based Martini, Heidi. The world really lost someone great when Jimi passed on
- Who said that all modern country singers suck? Oh yeah, it was Rick. This one is the exception that proves the rule.
- Don't let little children you're babysittig watch Smokey and the Bandit. They will pick up and repeat this line to their parents
- A movie theme song that doesn't suck
- Yes, Devo has more than one song, and their originality puts most pop bands to shame
- As each year goes by we do learn that "we're only immortal for a limited time"
- He is you're worst nightmare
- There is just a special energy that Perry and the gang put out. They need to keep putting out music
- An early Pumpkins gem for my evil boys from Chicago
- Potty mouth lawyer
- A strong ending from an alt-pop group...just got lucky
- Yes it is...until next year