A recap through Rick's mind

heidi and russ

the omaha boys

Day 0 - Omaha to Missouri Valley

After finally loading up Russ's truck and getting Heidi's tire fixed, we made out way up Mo Valley. Many beers were consumed on the picnic table while we waited for the rest of the team to show. The first to come was not a rider, but Mr. Top Drawer, David, and his new BMW convertable. We started hating him as soon as we saw the car. Bryan got their and started his journey to Nazi beer heaven. The one-dayers arrived with beer in their water bottles. Russ made enough burgers and dogs to feed a small nation. And finally the Jeep of many miles pulled up and we were ready to booze. Down to the beer garden where the Fishheads started the boob count by playing their standard, "Good Grits, Big Tits and a Ms. Pac Man." I wish they would modify it to say "good tits" and maybe we'd see some. Heidi is almost impossible to wake up when she falls asleep and Laurie doesn't get to be the princess. A special thank you goes out to The Hermans for allowing us to stay in the many beds and using the Pantene supplied shower.

swirly items

Day 1 - Missouri Valley to Red Oak

When we finally hit the road at 9:30 and very few bikers with us, we blamed it on the booze. On the longest day of the ride, we were very happy that it was approaching Africa hot And where were the towns that were supposed to be on the route? Maybe I missed them with all of the sweat pouring into my eyes. Upon arriving in Red Oak we thought the toughest part of the ride was over. Wrong again. Bryan's parents' house was atop many hills. Laurie, Heidi and Steve arrive before 10:00 - a scant 12 hours after we started the ride. Beer garden's down, let's hit a local pub. Many pitchers were consumed (including a free one compliments of Chris's 30th birthday). Linda was the pinball queen. Another night in the cool comfort on a bed. Special note of thanks to the The Skalbergs for the house and spaghetti dinner.

steve and rick

Day 2 - Red Oak to Creston

My day to drive the Jeep. Self realization: I suck with a stick on hills. The team finally departs about 10:00 (after a saving a little bird). Hope this isn't a trend, but I wouldn't count it out. Stanton doesn't serve breakfast after 11:00. It looks like liquid lunch at the midway town. Corning is the first real town on the route so far. I guess Chuck couldn't find anymore bends in the road that had a name. It's the first day we have to pitch tents, but we still had individual showers. The walk to town wasn't so bad until we saw that whitey decided that non-band riders had to pay $5 to go into the beer garden. I'm finding it hard to breath with whitey's thumb pressed into my neck. Like any good town, there's always a dance club called The Twilight Zone. Quick recap of our night there: spin on the wall, sticker everything (especially on PDA couples and WT cue balls), bottles that go empty too fast, SNL head dancing, hear the hateful song. A big smooch to The Killer Bees for the ride home. Major kudos to The Gammells for the showers and coffee.

On to Part Two