A recap through Rick's mind, Part II

this is why we are the sexiest team on the ride

using your shorts wisely

Day 3 - Creston to Des Moines

I couldn't quite ride the next morning so I sagged with Linda. We found the largest breakfast on Earth. Surprised I could ride that afternoon with "The Gearjammer" in my gut. After a fun detour (thank you, Iowa DOT), we made it to Winterset. Bryan became the first major bike casualty with a spoke breaking 5 miles outside of Winterset. He did get a small lift from a kybo truck, but had to walk up that mother of hill. I rode the rest of the day alone, needed some personal think time with REM. It's fun to watch people's reaction when my music switches from Rage Against the Machine to Chopin. Our first night without a house, but we had a field and friends Mary and Francisco had showers and pizza at their apartment. Tons of thanks! I was able to touch a computer for the first time all week. Even though we were across from the main campground, whitey kept us out. It's so tough to breathe with that jackboot on my trachea. So we had our own fun: fireworks (cheap shit of Steve's), Linda's foot o' wax, dark beers (mmmmm) and lots of smoking.

making me drink bad beer

Day 4 - Des Moines to Chariton

What can I say, rain and gravel, the combination of the gods. You know, you don't really notice hills and mileage when you're focussed on the small strip of worn dirt in front of you. Bondage Joey's first day. Milo and Elvis, Bryan's got a permaboner. Linda, Bryan and I arrive just after the support vehicle, but it doesn't matter, we've got a house again. Hugs and kisses to Julie Snyder for the showers, pie, breakfast and pie. The alien infestation begins tonight. A very good night in town. Sticker central. Who decided to wake up that butthole running the lightboard....Heidi? Team Right On! Linda, the sticker removal princess. Our stickers are too precious for losers. (Note to readers: If we see you wearing our sticker and dancing to hateful music Linda will kick your ass.) Good meeting Team Hanson Brothers (my favorite team name BTW). The day that starts with rain ends with me sleeping in a puddle. Laurie didn't fare any better, but luckily Chris found another use for his socks.

sticker your ass

Day 5 - Chariton to Bloomfield

The only day I got up before 8:00. Something to do with keeping from drowning in my tent. After many non-towns we arrive at The Landing. The best band of the ride, Bambu. First sighting of Marsha from Team NAD. You know your riding late when you are always behind the NADs. Bryan and I take over the sag. First night without any contacts in the overnight. From past experiences we learned that the hippie doesn't ask the locals for places to camp of showers. That's why I hang out with clean cuts like Bryan and Heidi. Our eternal gratitude to The Richardsons for the showers. Great time in town. It's so good to see local talent up on the stage. Less than one hour for the beer garden (no cover) so we better get two pails full of beer. Meet up with Team Mystery Machine (my second favorite team name). Those guys is burners. Another time to dance with Bambu. Watch out for flying lids, warm beers and matresses behind sheds.

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