A recap through Rick's mind, Part III

Day 6 - Bloomfield to Mt. Hamill

Yeah, that's right, Mt. Hamill, or as we like to call it in our group, Sodom and Gomorrah. After some persuasion, I talk the group into going to the alternate town. If it sucked, Linda was going to remove my body extremities one at a time and fry them up and serve them to the team for dinner. Thank you Aaron and Ali Comer. Bryan made four trips to the cornfield/graveyard. I joined the broken spoke club. Return to Africa hot. Linda almost succumbs to heat exhaustion. As for the overnight, those thousands of you who did not join us in our "screw you Chuck-a-thon," here is what you missed. Nude bodies in and outside of the tavern. No waiting for excellent chicken dinners. Showers built for two. Communal sex (why close the door). Making friends with riders more like us (except for the communal sex - not that we are against it). Our first ever overnight with Team Bad Boy. Nice locals to chat with, even if they didn't remember my name after hours of talk. The only ID needed to be in the bar: fishing license. John was forcing Fizzlers down my throat by the dozen.

Day 7 - Mt. Hamill to Fort Madison

It's so nice to start out at 10:00 and still ride with the hammerers. Okay it's not nice to ride with them. Typical exchange: Serious biker, "Announce when you pass." Me, "Stop oppressing me!" Can't beat 2 miles to their 31. Ever see the serious riders' faces when the Bad Boys arrive in the next to last town and they're still there. "Drink for Cash" - thank you West Point. We didn't win, but we loved the idea. Meat cake at the Legion. The final day was the peak of Africa hot. Nice fresh tar in downtown Fort Madison. Whitey didn't suppress us for drinking on the street. Baking major worry cakes waiting for David. Lord of the Flies hanging out in the beer garden. David finally shows and everything is good. Until next year............POOP!

Fast Facts

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