Heidi's Big Adventure
(This story is brought to you by Bryan)
It all started simple enough. Heidi, Damian and Bryan biked into Wellsburg. It was a halfway town on a very short day. That is a recipe for boozing. Heidi shouts. The boys listen. Damian shouts. The other two listen. Bryan shouts. Everybody's listening. Repeat that cycle two more times. Now that you've got the proper background, on with the picture story.
Heidi has always been good a making friends. She is even buddies with Bryan, and he doesn't shower all that much. But he's a taken man and Heidi needs love.
Enter John. He's single and lives on the West Coast. Perfect match. So after some engagement drinks these two tie the knot. Luckily there is a holy man on Die Hard.
With the ceremony out of the way it's time to see how open this marriage is. It was in the pre-nup. Brad, from Mystery Machine, has a nipple ring. Ooh how our little maiden loves piercing. Lick that ring princess. I think someone else from our team is jealous.
The reception is in full swing. That probably means more boozing. Heidi sure seems to be able to keep up with the boys in that department. I wonder if she had any swigs out of the matching crystal, er, plastic cup set she received as presents. Not to worry, she's got a hollow leg. It's been rumored that she has survived on Guinness before.
Maybe it's time to worry. She's not biking anywhere and Wellsburg has become a ghost town. Swirl cups, swirl. Bryan gives Damian $20 to find her a ride. Bryan finds a flower to lay upon her breast. He tries to light some special "incense" but it doesn't revive her. All it does is make him smile. Team Road Kill to the rescue. And for only five smacks. They all make it to Dike and they live happily ever after.