Wednesday--Boone to Eldora
The morning started out good. Everything was wet, but it was good. There was coffee and milk in the kitchen and Mel outside yelling at the dogs. Mel isn't Dr. Doolittle, but he tries. I do take off about 10:30 that morning. John supplies me with some clean socks. Umm, dry clothes. That hill was wonderful in the morning. Now I start the quest for the rest of my team. Hammer to Story City. Not there. Hammer to Roland. Not there. Hammer to McCalsburg. Find B.A.R.T. Eventually find team. They catch me drinking a Sprite so Heidi pours beer down my shorts. Feel scalp starting to burn. Really wish I had clean clothes. Meet up with Damian and the sag vehicle in Zearing. Sign my ass up. I get Stephanie's earrings. When we get to Eldora we think that it's whitey paradise. "No Trespassing" signs on vacant lots, $10 overnight parking, nobody rushing up to the Jeep to offer us yard and a shower. Damn I need a shower. We find the greatest spot: clean individual toilets, one block to car wash showers and across the tracks from the Hy-Vee. That would be a good place to give the Pastafarians some beer. I make the journey into town to find Jana. Mission failed...spirits down. Drink with B.A.R.T. in beer garden. Barbiephobia (Team Phobia) wants my Barbie-bitch shirt. I'll print some up for next year. Look for me. Bryan comes looking for me. Mission failed. I go to tent early. Damian, Linda and Heidi decide to drink the night away.
Thursday--Eldora to Cedar Falls
I need to ride alone today. Need some personal thought time. Found a breakfast stop that actually had real food (not just a bag of Skittles and some ten-percent fruit drink). Had some beers in Wellsburg with B.A.R.T. (habits are hard to break). Heidi's adventure in this town far outweighs mine. Have some Pastafari near Highway 14. Bike to Dike. Leave money, credit card, money card, driver's license, camera and Mentos at Pastafari. Fire up the oven, worry cakes are baking. All I can say is that the Iowa State Patrol kicks ass. They found my stuff and drove it up to me. If I had a valid license in Iowa I would speed a lot so I could donate some cash. Once personal belongings are returned, it's time to drink away a few hours. Who to drink with? How about B.A.R.T. and the Hanson Brothers? And it was Damon's 30th birthday. Reach buzz-bike to final town. All the Entringers are present (and Les ate all of our peanuts). On to "The Hill" and some big ass burritos. Who poo'd? Drew! We make locals smile. Or run. Was that a giant Xena cutout? How soon until she's ours? We find the great bar: Guinness, Newcastle, Ms. Pac Man (62,000 for me), VirtuaCop (Damian is Mr. Violence) and Star Trek pinball (Linda was the pinball queen). Start covert operation. Chris on the door, me on diversion, Laurie stealing Xena. Since Chris showed up I'm starting to get gassy. I started RAGPAI today. We all snore so Linda has to sleep on the cold pavement in the laundry room.
Special thanks to Larry Keig.