Day 1
- Transport bikes in waves over to starting point (Ray bikes over)
- Assemble stereo while Steve gets us coffee
- Michelle needs cash so she buys bracelets from Walgreens (they will become quite popular with others)
- All we need to do is find the route
- Find route...and it's all hills and headwinds
- One mile in and Michelle starts her own personal "Rag"BRAI
- Where does this fucking east wind come from
- Dave has to be dying
- 30 miles to the first town...that's bullshit
- Off road oasis is only 6...7...10 miles from first town (who wants to tell the truth)
- First encounter with Mystery Machine and they have vodka
- Finally make it to Kingsley and first beer of day (See picture)
- Arva sighting but not a Sandra sighting
- First rain of the week
- Heidi, Laurie and Dave go find Heidi's friend's parents (I'm sure they're scamming beers)
- Dave leaves bag...Chris finds bag...Michelle carries bag
- Michelle has bike trauma
- Finally get to midtown and see Babs...she should have that new website done now
- See HARD and stereo that was built with my design (give CD)
- After many beers off to party town of Quimby
- Party is ending by the time we get there
- See Angry and they may be buzzed (give CD)
- Spot hot looking Die Hard...Angie (of course it's a Comer)
- Meet up with Aaron, Kayla, Ryan, Dave and have a snooty Old Familiar beer
- Town no longer selling beer...fuck
- Michelle uses her ho powers to get firemen to give us beer and turkey
- It's after 7:00 and we have 24 miles to go
- Need lights on day 1
- Make it to town after dark and have party in Amoco parking lot
- Michelle starts playing matchmaker with girl we met and her friend in Iowa City
- Have Babs come pick us up
- Wanda, our host, is toasted by the time we arrive
- Dave gets many pizzas...a traditional camping out food
- I get out of the shower by 1 a.m. (got all three "s" functions out of the way)
- I do the Dad camp check before going to tent...just in case of rain