atop the haze bus
Many phases of Haze

Tuesday, July 27
Sticky rolls, fruit and milk for breakfast. Thank you Kathy and Randy. There's a whole lot of slacking going on with the team (lake fun on the brain). Start hammering at 7:30 again. What's wrong with this picture? Oak Lake is not a town. Damn you Register. Titonka is and it has two bars. Beer and Maid-Rite for breakfast in bar #1. Mmmm. Beer and Craperana for follow-up in bar #2. Argh...let me out. Big ass bubba says no beer outside his bar. Bar #2, you suck. Think that bar #1 will be a better place to wait out the rain. Crystal Lake looks like a good spot to flirt with the LT. Talk-a-bouts make friends, like Team F.A.R.T. What's with the rain today. Team Floyd, you seen Evil? Maybe they're in another hallucination. Pastafari with F.A.R.T.s. Big party atop the Haze bus. Boob count is rapidly increasing. Thank God for the easy ride into Clear Lake. Rest of team in lake. Did they even ride today? While they go sailing I'll make pie and cleanse myself. A lot of time to myself. Too much time. This must be the only bathroom. All pretty now. Grilled out burgers. The kind with meat. Wes and Sandy arrive in daylight, make that twilight. Light enough to set up tent. Did Bryan also put his up? What will become of us? Don't want to wait for a shower, use the lake. Put your shorts on Wes. Fireworks over the lake. How nice. The big inflatable items are going down. Are we too late for fun? Rain forces us into bar. Apparently only Wes and Sandy want to stay out. There's LT who thinks she's extra hot, and there's LT showing every bit of Christmas (can you say Jodie Foster in "Accused"). Lost Wes on the way out to another bar. Sandy and I still want to drink. Where is Angry Steve? Not in this little pub...let's have a beer anyway. What about the bar in the basement? There's Angry Steve. 45's from the Sixties and cheap beer. Steve looks quite shitfaced. Now he looks like he's tired. Trek back to tent. Make that trek back to couch in living room.
squirrel down the pants melon chick meets haze ass
Squirrel in the front Melon girl in the back