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Sunday, July 23, 2000 Volume 9. Issue 2

Off-Road Stop Provides Games, Tequila and Country Lunch

Laurie, Chris and Linda are in free lunch heaven
Neola, IA - An un-official party outside of Neola entertained dozens of riders as Team Extreme (formerly known as the Cucumbers) blended up margaritas for those who stopped. Tequilla-filled bikers felt that the mood could be lightened even more by playing the all-time party groping game, Twister, in the middle of Highway 83. After a game or two of grab-ass (or whatever body part fit in your palm), some riders headed down to the house where a feast of sloppy joes, corn on the cob, vodka-free watermelon, sweet rolls, lemonade and ice tea were served up to anybody who was there. "After starting off the day behind Bad Boy and hammering to beat the sag vehicle into the midway town, this meal hits the spot. It should make it easier for us to booze heavier later," Rick was heard thinking.
Cheap Beer...it's Here! Is Sainthood Far Away?
Shelby, IA - Teamartini was pleasantly surprised by the finding of less than a dollar beer in a convenient store. With tax and deposit the six-pack of Miller Lite was only $5.40. "It's a miracle!" cried the team. Many six-packs later the team was still laughing as witnessed by the photo below. In addition to selling non-gouge beer the store let Rick charge up his stereo battery. He should have enough power to get his finely buzzed body into the overnight town.
Very happy partiers (from left to right): Die Hard Wes, Martinis Laurie and Linda, dual citizen Sandy, Martini Heidi (in cool hat) and Mystery Machine Todd (asking for smoke).
Harlan, IA - Jim and Charlotte Noble opened up their yard Sunday night and raised the bar at least four more notches. In addition to the goodies on the patio and jazz in the shower, they also made a mint packet for every camper's pillow. For the morning they are planning on fresh brewed coffee, orange juice and monkey bread. Could this couple be topped? Are you kidding, they hosted both Martinis (rogues) and Chuck Offenbuger (very anti-rogue) and there was no blood shed. Martinis felt that they won the favorable impression race as Jim was wearing the shirt given to the Nobles as a small token of the team's gratitude (see exerpt below). "They like us best," cooed a delighted Damian.
Today's Naughty Bits and Pieces
  • Dave Sutera wins continues to win the hearts of Teamartini by not only driving some members over to Council Bluffs in the morning, but also buying them some fresh doughnuts to start off the day.
  • Weston was this year's first non-town
  • Rick gets the first Boomer point
  • Laurie get the first Marsha Traeger point
  • Steve, Rick and Bryan begin on-going feud with trailer lock
  • Little kids chase lasers
  • Linda sleeps on concrete where it's quiet
  • Snorechestra defined (see Teamartini glossary)